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*書名:Family Life and Family Policies in Europe Volume 2: Problems and Issues in Comparative Perspective 
*分類: 社會科學 >


Family Life and Family Policies in Europe Volume 2: Problems and Issues in Comparative Perspective

Family Life and Family Policies in Europe Volume 2: Problems and Issues in Comparative Perspective
1 文件 (全文 1) WCBE
2 文件 (全文 2) WCBE
3 文件 (全文 3) WCBE
4 文件 Preface WCBE
5 文件 1 Comparing Family Life in the Frame of National Policies: An Introduction WCBE
6 文件 2 Variation and Change in the Forms of Private Life in the 1980s 1 WCBE
7 文件 3 What Happened to the European Family in the 1980s? WCBE
8 文件 4. Trends in the Development of Family Law in EuropeComparative Perspectives WCBE
9 文件 5. Divorce in EuropeA Cohort Perspective WCBE
10 文件 6. Lone-parenthood and Social Policies for Loneparent Families in Europe WCBE
11 文件 7. Induced Abortion and Family Formation in Europe WCBE
12 文件 8. Paths Towards a Modernization of Gender Relations, Policies, and Family Building WCBE
13 文件 9. The New Fathers: What Does it Mean for Children, Marriage, and for Family Policy? WCBE
14 文件 10. Family PolicyHow Does it Work? WCBE
15 文件 11. Which Models of the Family are Encouraged or Discouraged by Different Family Policies? WCBE
16 文件 12. Politics and Policies towards the Family in Europe: A Framework and an Inquiry into their Differences and Convergences WCBE

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